Wednesday, December 27, 2006







Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Ocean temperature predicts spread of marine species

Ocean temperature predicts spread of marine species

Ocean temperature predicts spread of marine species

CHAPEL HILL -- Scientists can predict how the distance marine larvae travel varies with ocean temperature ?a key component in conservation and management of fish, shellfish and other marine species ?according to a new study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Most marine life, including commercially important species, reproduces via larvae that drift far along ocean currents before returning to join adult populations. The distance larvae travel before maturing, called dispersal, is directly linked to ocean temperature, the researchers found. For example, larvae from the same species travel far less in warmer waters than in colder waters, said lead author Mary O'Connor, a graduate student in marine ecology in UNC's curriculum in ecology and the department of marine sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences.

"Temperature can alter the number and diversity of adult species in a certain area by changing where larvae end up," O'Connor said. "It is important to understand how a fish population is replenished if we want to attempt to manage or conserve it."

Using data from 72 marine species, including cod, herring, American lobster, horseshoe crabs and clams, O'Connor and her colleagues developed a model that predicts how far larvae travel at a certain temperature. The predictions appear to hold for virtually all marine animals with a larval life cycle.

"We can apply this rule to animals without having to go out and measure every species," O'Connor said. "Our general model gives us a powerful new way to study larval movement with knowledge about ocean temperature, which is much easier to come by. With models such as this, we can see what large-scale changes in ocean temperature may mean for adult populations."

The study appeared online the week of Dec. 25 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Early Edition.

Knowing dispersal distance is a critical component for managing commercially important or invasive species, O'Connor said. "For many animals, the larval phase is the only chance for babies to get away from parents. Dispersal prevents inbreeding; for some species, this is a time to move from breeding ground to habitat where they'll mature," she said.

But less than 1 percent of larvae survive dispersal. They are consumed by predators, encounter harsh environments or never reach their destination and starve. For endangered species, survival of some animals may depend on whether offspring from parents in one protected area can get to another area where they are safe from harvest. "In warmer waters, marine protected areas may need to be closer together than in colder water, since in warmer water dispersal distances tend to be shorter," O'Connor said.

While a one degree increase in temperature at the ocean surface means larvae will travel a shorter distance in warm seas, the effect is more severe when temperatures are below about 59 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius), O'Connor said. Along California's coast, sea surface temperature may warm from 53 degrees to 59 degrees Fahrenheit during an El Nino year, when a warm ocean current appears in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Larvae that travel 62 miles at 53 degrees Fahrenheit would disperse only 46 miles at 59 degrees.

"On the up side, shorter dispersal can mean greater survival because the larvae spend less time in the water, where they are at a high risk of death. On the down side, it could mean they won't travel as far and may not make it to their juvenile habitat," O'Connor said.

The researchers suspect temperature plays an important role in larval dispersal because metabolic processes in larvae are sensitive to temperature and similar among species. Consequently, larvae in cold waters develop more slowly and drift further before beginning their next development stage because colder temperatures cause sluggish metabolisms.

Study says Western wildfires linked to Atlantic Ocean temperatures

The Seattle Times: Local News: Study says Western wildfires linked to Atlantic Ocean temperatures

Study says Western wildfires linked to Atlantic Ocean temperatures


The Associated Press

GRANTS PASS, Ore. – Using fire scars on nearly 5,000 tree stumps dating back 450 years, scientists have found that extended periods of major wildfires in the West occurred when the North Atlantic Ocean was going through periodic warming.

With the North Atlantic at the start of a recurring warming period that typically lasts 20 to 60 years, the West could be in for an extended period of multiple fires on the scale of those seen in 2002 and 2006, said Thomas W. Swetnam. He's director of the Laboratory of Tree Ring Research at the University of Arizona and a co-author of the study published in the Dec. 26 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

"This study and others have demonstrated that there is an underlying climatic influence on fuels and then on the weather conditions that promote fires," said Dan Cayan, climate researcher at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, who did not take part in the study.

Ron Neilson, a U.S. Forest Service scientist who has developed models that predict wildfire danger based on climate models, agreed with the study's conclusions, and noted all the oceans are affected by global warming. And that in turn could exacerbate the wildfire cycle.

Scientists have long seen a relationship between weather in the United States and El Nino, a warming of water in the South Pacific.

When El Nino is strong, the Northwest typically has drought and severe fire seasons, and the Southwest has rain. When the cycle reverses, known as La Nina, the South Pacific cools, the Northwest has more rain, and the Southwest has drought and fires.

Less well understood are two other climate drivers, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, known as the PDO, centered in the North Pacific, which typically changes every 10 to 20 years, and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, or AMO, which is marked by warming and cooling periods of 20 to 60 years in the North Atlantic.

El Nino-La Nina is thought to be the most influential cycle, but the Atlantic and Pacific oscillations can magnify or diminish those effects when strong phases of the three cycles come together, Swetnam said.

"Over the last 400-plus years in our fire history study, when the AMO was positive (producing warm temperatures in the North Atlantic), then you would get big fires breaking out synchronously across the West," Swetnam said. "That's what we saw in 2002 and 2006."

The year 2002 saw three huge fires that stretched firefighting resources to the breaking point: Biscuit burned 500,000 acres in southwestern Oregon, Rodeo-Chedeski burned 462,000 acres in Arizona, and the Hayman fire burned 136,000 acres in Colorado.

In 2006, 89,000 fires burned across 9.5 million acres. The U.S. Forest Service spent $1.5 billion fighting those fires — about $100 million over budget.

Another factor in the larger fires, said Swetnam, is that after a century of fighting wildfires, fuel is building up in the nation's forests.

The study gathered data from 241 logging sites around the West, compiling the dates of 33,795 fire scars on 4,700 stumps to develop a history of fires in the West dating to 1550.

The fire history was compared to a reconstruction of the Atlantic Decadal Oscillation, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and El Nino.

The most severe fire seasons fell between 1660 and 1710, when the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation was at its warmest, the study found. The least severe fire seasons happened from 1787 to 1849, when North Atlantic temperatures were at their coolest.

The study comes after another published this year in the journal Science found that a sudden and dramatic increase in western wildfires in the late 1980s was related to a pattern of earlier springs and warmer summers. Swetnam and Cayan both took part in that study.

Greg McCabe, a climatologist for the U.S. Geological Survey in Denver, said his research has been showing a connection between North Atlantic Ocean temperatures and the drought that is gripping much of the West, which creates conditions for major fires.

"I think what Tom has written is really good," McCabe said. "More and more people are starting to see there is something there. We do know the tropical Pacific (home to the ocean warming condition known as El Nino) is a key player in global climate. But on longer time scales it looks like the Atlantic also has some influence."

Giant squid captured!

Giant squid captured!

Japanese researchers captured a small female giant squid near the Ogasawara islands, 1,000 km (620 miles) south of Tokyo. The squid, which measured 3.5 meters (11 ft 6 in) long and weighed 50 kg (110 lb), was hooked at a depth of 650 meters (2,150 ft). The capture comes a year after researchers produced the first photographs and video of living squid.

Tsunemi Kubodera, chief of Division of Invertebrate Zoology at the National Science Museum of Japan, with the captured Giant Squid on a boat off Ogasawara Islands, Japan, on December 4, 2006. Image courtesy of the National Science Museum of Japan.
The researchers found the squid by tracking sperm whales -- the chief known predator of the squid -- to their feeding grounds.

Giant squid are marine mollusks related to cuttlefish and the octopus. They are deep-ocean dwellers that can grow to at least 10 m (33 ft) for males and 13 m (43 ft) for females, although there are undocumented reports of specimens of up to 20 m (66 ft).

The giant squid is believed to be the second largest squid after the Colossal Squid, which lives in the Southern Ocean. No one has ever seen a live colossal squid, which is the world's largest invertebrate.

Warmer oceans reduce dispersal of shellfish larvae

Warmer oceans reduce dispersal of shellfish larvae

In a study published in the Dec. 25 Early Edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), scientists show they can predict how the distance marine larvae travel varies with ocean temperature. The say that the findings have important implications for the conservation and management of fish, shellfish and other marine species in oceans increasingly effected by climate change.

"Most marine life, including commercially important species, reproduces via larvae that drift far along ocean currents before returning to join adult populations," explained a statement from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), one of the institutions involved in the research. "The distance larvae travel before maturing, called dispersal, is directly linked to ocean temperature, the researchers found. For example, larvae from the same species travel far less in warmer waters than in colder waters."

Photo by Rhett Butler.

The study found larvae that travel 62 miles at 53 degrees Fahrenheit would disperse only 46 miles at 59 degrees.
"Temperature can alter the number and diversity of adult species in a certain area by changing where larvae end up," said lead author Mary O'Connor, a graduate student in marine ecology at UNC. "It is important to understand how a fish population is replenished if we want to attempt to manage or conserve it."

O'Connor and colleagues used data from 72 marine species to develop their dispersal model which forecasts how far larvae travel at a given temperature.

"We can apply this rule to animals without having to go out and measure every species," O'Connor said. "Our general model gives us a powerful new way to study larval movement with knowledge about ocean temperature, which is much easier to come by. With models such as this, we can see what large-scale changes in ocean temperature may mean for adult populations."

O'Connor says the results have important implications for commercial fisheries and conservation efforts.

"For many animals, the larval phase is the only chance for babies to get away from parents. Dispersal prevents inbreeding; for some species, this is a time to move from breeding ground to habitat where they'll mature," she said.

"In warmer waters, marine protected areas may need to be closer together than in colder water, since in warmer water dispersal distances tend to be shorter," she added. "On the up side, shorter dispersal can mean greater survival because the larvae spend less time in the water, where they are at a high risk of death. On the down side, it could mean they won't travel as far and may not make it to their juvenile habitat."

Antarctic ozone depletion exceeds that of Arctic

Antarctic ozone depletion exceeds that of Arctic

Antarctic ozone depletion exceeds that of Arctic
December 25, 2006 
A new study comparing ozone depletion between the poles shows that the Antarctic is experiencing the most severe depletion of the ozone layer.

Writing in the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
(PNAS) Online Early Edition for the week of December 26-29, 2006, Susan Solomon at the Earth System Research Laboratory National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder, Colorado, and colleagues found that ozone loss peaks as winter ends when spring temperatures at the coldest levels.

Observations of daily total column ozone in Antarctica in September (Left) and in the Arctic in March (Right). Some records have been offset in time slightly for clarity. Courtesy of PNAS.
In the Antarctic, the researchers found that local ozone depletion at some altitudes often exceeded 90 percent and reached up to 99 percent during a typical Antarctic winter. Ozone depletion was lower in the Arctic, where losses only occasionally peaking at 70 percent.

In October, scientists from NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said that ozone loss in Antarctica hit a record in 2006. The agencies reported that the ozone hole was the largest and deepest ever recorded, exceeding the previous record set in 2000.

The ozone hole is caused by the "catalytic destruction" of ozone by atomic chlorine and bromine, the source of which is primarily chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) compounds known as "freons" and bromofluorocarbon compounds known as Halons. In 1987, following the discovery that these compounds were responsible for the ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere, the international community adopted the Montreal Protocol which banned the production of CFCs and halons as well as related ozone depleting chemicals.

Because the ozone layer prevents most harmful UVB wavelengths of ultraviolet light from entering the Earth's atmosphere, ozone depletion is a significant concern. Increased penetration by UVB wavelengths of ultraviolet light is believed to heighten the incidence of skin cancer, damage plants, and reduce ocean plankton populations.

Scientists from NASA and other agencies believe that the ozone hole over the Antarctic will recover around 2068, nearly 20 years later than estimated in the late 1990s.


Asian Nations Remember 230,000 Killed In Tsunami - Asian Nations Remember 230,000 Killed In Tsunami

Asian Nations Remember 230,000 Killed In Tsunami

(AP) BALI, Indonesia Thousands of people fled beaches on Indonesia's resort island of Bali in a tsunami drill Tuesday, kicking off remembrances across Asia two years after devastating waves crashed into coastlines and killed 230,000 people.

Elsewhere across the disaster zone, survivors and mourners were marking the anniversary by visiting mass graves, lighting candles along beaches and observing two minutes of silence. Some volunteers were preparing to plant mangroves, saying they were key to protecting coastal communities.

The magnitude-9.0 earthquake that ripped apart the ocean floor off Indonesia's Sumatra island on Dec. 26, 2004 spawned giant waves that fanned out across the Indian Ocean at jetliner speeds, killing people in a dozen countries and leaving millions homeless.

Walls of water two stories high swept entire villages to sea in Indonesia and Sri Lanka, submerged luxury resorts and fishing communities in Thailand and destroyed thousands of homes in India.

The drill Tuesday -- which involved real-time warnings sent from the capital to radios along the beach -- was aimed at raising awareness and at testing technology deployed in the country hardest hit two years ago.

Nearly 167,000 of those killed were from Aceh province on Sumatra where tens of thousands of people still live in temporary homes. The hardest hit zone is nowhere near Bali.

Sirens wailed as masses, many of them school children, briskly walked inland from Bali's shore, accompanied by Indonesia's minister of research and technology and a handful of foreign tourists.

But not everyone was moving.

"I'm not going anywhere. I still have to make some money this morning," said Wati, a woman selling baked corn-on-the-cob on the beach.

In Thailand, ceremonies will be held along the Andaman coast with Buddhist prayers to remember more than 8,200 killed. Balloons will be launched and candles lit along beaches once again filled with sun-seeking tourists.

Authorities will also open a cemetery for hundreds of unidentified tsunami victims.

"We hope this will be part of the healing process for those who lost loved ones," said Chamroen Tankasem, a government official in southern Thailand, a tropical paradise that was turned into a graveyard in a matter of minutes.

"It will also help us remember what happened, what we have learned since ... and what more needs to be done for the people affected."

In Sri Lanka, the resurgence of a civil war has added to the misery of survivors and slowed efforts to rebuild -- sparking criticism Tuesday from outgoing U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan who urged Tamil Tiger rebels and the military to lay down their arms.

"No one could have prevented the tsunami's wave of destruction," he wrote in a statement. "But together, we can stem the tide of conflict, which threatens once again to engulf the people of Sri Lanka."

While many in the island nation were preoccupied with war on Tuesday, Hindu and Buddhist temples were ringing bells to mark the time the first wave hit followed by two of silence to remember the 35,000 killed.

In India, where another 18,000 are believed to have died, interfaith ceremonies were being held. In Malaysia, where 69 people died, volunteers were preparing to replant mangroves, saying the tsunami demonstrated how important the coastal forests can be in protecting communities.

The 2004 tsunami generated an unprecedented outpouring of generosity, with donor pledges reaching some $13.6 billion. But many of the 2 million made homeless complain they still do not have adequate places to live. Japanese researchers catch giant squid Japanese researchers catch giant squid

Japanese researchers catch giant squid


Associated Press

TOKYO — A Japanese research team has succeeded in filming a giant squid live — possibly for the first time — and says the elusive creatures may be more plentiful than previously believed, a researcher said Friday.

The research team, led by Tsunemi Kubodera, videotaped the giant squid at the surface as they captured it off the Ogasawara Islands south of Tokyo earlier this month. The squid, which measured about 7.2-metres long, died while it was being caught.

"We believe this is the first time anyone has successfully filmed a giant squid that was alive," said Mr. Kubodera, a researcher with Japan's National Science Museum. "Now that we know where to find them, we think we can be more successful at studying them in the future."

Giant squid, formally called Architeuthis, are the world's largest invertebrates. Because they live in the depths of the ocean, they have long been wrapped in mystery and embellished in the folklore of sea monsters, appearing in ancient Greek myths or attacking the submarine in Jules Verne's "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."

Related to this article

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Photo released by Japan's National Science Museum shows a giant squid attacking a bait squid being pulled up by a research team off the Ogasawara Islands, south of Tokyo, on Dec. 4, 2006. (Tsunemi Kubodera/National Science Museum of Japan/AP)

The captured squid was caught using a smaller type of squid as bait, and was pulled into a research vessel "after putting up quite a fight," Mr. Kubodera said.

"It took two people to pull it in, and they lost it once, which might have caused the injuries that killed it," he said.

The squid, a female, was not fully grown and was relatively small by giant squid standards. The longest one on record is 18 metres, he said.

Mr. Kubodera and his team had been conducting expeditions in the area for about three years before they succeeded in making their first contact two years ago. Last year, the team succeeded in taking a series of still photos of one of the animals in its natural habitat — also believed to have been a first.

Until the team's successes, most scientific study of the creatures had to rely on partial specimens that had washed ashore dead or dying or had been found in the digestive systems of whales or very large sharks.

Mr. Kubodera said whales led his team to the squid. By finding an area where whales fed, he believed he could find the animals. He also said that, judging by the number of whales that feed on them, there may be many more giant squid than previously thought.

"Sperm whales need from 500 to 1,000 kilograms (1,100-2,200 pounds) of food every day," he said. "There are believed to be 200,000 or so of them, and that would suggest there are quite a few squid for them to be feeding on. I don't think they are in danger of extinction at all."


15661c 国内最大古砗磲贝壳化石落户青岛极地海洋世界


中国海洋报记者  李明春











发布时间:2006-12-18 信息来源:中国渔业报















中国海油打造深水利器 2006-12-6






Monday, December 25, 2006

How Much Oil and Natural Gas is Left?

How Much Oil and Natural Gas is Left?

How Much Oil and Natural Gas is Left?

Oil and natural gas exist in the pore spaces of rock in the subsurface of the earth. How much oil or gas can be recovered from the rock is a function of rock properties, technology, and economics. Even when it is technically feasible to remove oil or gas from a specific reservoir, the costs involved in doing so may exceed the value of the oil or gas recovered at projected prices. In this case, the oil or gas is uneconomic and will not be developed.

The total amount of oil or gas in the reservoir is called original oil- or gas-in-place. For a specific reservoir, engineers estimate this amount with information about the size of the reservoir trap and properties of the rock (which can be sampled and tested). Some of the original oil and gas deposited millions of years ago has been discovered, while some remains undiscovered (the target of future exploration).

Discovered (or known) resources can be divided into proved reserves and prospective or unproved (probable and possible) resources. "Proved reserves" are the quantities of oil or gas from known reservoirs and expected to be recoverable with current technology and at current economic conditions. Prospective resources are those that may be recoverable in the future with advanced technologies or under different economic conditions. More explanation of reserves and resources definitions.

Click on image for a larger version

A primary source for worldwide reserves estimates is the Oil & Gas Journal (OGJ).[1] OGJ estimates that at the beginning of 2004, worldwide reserves were 1.27 trillion barrels of oil and 6,100 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. These estimates are 53 billion barrels of oil and 575 trillion cubic feet of natural gas higher than the prior year, reflecting additional discoveries, improving technology, and changing economics.

Click on image for a larger version

The countries with the largest amounts of remaining oil reserves are: Saudi Arabia, Canada, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Russia, Libya, and Nigeria.[1] The largest reserves of natural gas are found in: Russia, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, United States, Algeria, Nigeria, Venezuela, and Iraq.[1] The maps illustrate the distribution of remaining reserves around the world.

At 2003 consumption levels [2], the remaining reserves represent 44.6 years of oil and 66.2 years of natural gas. Does this mean that the world will be out of fossil fuels in 50 years or so? That theory has been around since the 1970s. In fact, the figures for years of remaining reserves have remained relative constant over the past few decades as the industry has replaced consumption with newly discovered oil and gas deposits and has developed technologies to increase the amount of oil and gas that can be recovered from existing reservoirs.

As noted above, three factors affect the amount of oil or gas that can be recovered from a known reservoir — rock properties, technology, and economics. While the industry cannot change the properties of the rock, it can develop new techniques to remove more oil from the rock. The industry has made significant advances to enhance recovery from known reservoirs, adding to the reserves base. When prices rise, marginal reservoirs can be developed economically, adding to the reserve base.

Reserves will also grow as more oil and gas deposits are found around the world. Continental North America and much of continental Europe have already been explored heavily, and any new discoveries are likely to be small. But many areas of the globe are largely unexplored and many large new deposits are waiting to be found. Companies have experienced major success in discovering significant new oil and gas reservoirs offshore Brazil, the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, off the western coast of Africa, Russia, and many areas of Asia and the Pacific. These are just a few of the current areas of growth. Most observers agree that significant deposits of oil and gas remain undiscovered in the Middle East.

No one can know for certain how much oil and gas remains to be discovered. But geologists sometimes make educated guesses. For example, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducts periodic assessments of U.S. mineral resources. In its most recent assessment (1995), the USGS estimated that the onshore U.S., including Alaska, has undiscovered, technically recoverable resources of 112.3 billion barrels of oil and 1,074 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In a separate assessment of offshore resources completed in 2000, the U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) estimated that 75 billion barrels of oil and 362 trillion cubic feet of natural gas underlie the areas off the coasts of the U.S. The USGS and MMS resource assessments make clear that, despite being a very mature producing area, substantial resources still exist in the U.S.

World oil resources to 2025 may be more than two times current reserves, based on an estimate from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) using USGS data. Reserve growth of 730 billion barrels accounts for new discoveries and the expansion of what can be recovered from known reservoirs due to advances in technology and improvements in economics. But EIA estimates that in 2025, countries around the globe will still have more than 900 billion barrels of oil remaining to be discovered. EIA estimates total world oil resources at more than 2.9 trillion barrels of oil.

The oil and gas industry uses advanced technology to aid in the search for the resources that will meet growing world energy needs. Technology advances enable more accurate drilling and extraction of a higher percentage of oil and gas from each field, extending the life of each well. Advanced technology also allows development of resources that were not previously economically viable, such as deep-sea fields, unconventional natural gas, and oil and gas in very deep reservoirs. Together, these new sources of oil and gas will replace production from existing wells as they decline, and help to assure adequate oil and gas supplies to meet world energy needs for the foreseeable future.

[1] Oil & Gas Journal, Worldwide Report, December 22, 2003.
[2] U.S. Energy Information Administration, International Energy Annual 2002, March 2004.
[3] U.S. Energy Information Administration, International Energy Outlook 2004, April 2004.