Friday, February 19, 2016

Young dolphin dies when it's carried on the beach for people to stroke and take selfies with

The rare species, which quickly dies when out of the water, lay dying on the beach as the crowd continued to take pictures

These are the sickening images that show a young dolphin's last moments before it died of dehydration when it was picked up out of the sea by a crowd.
The mammal was found on an Argentine beach as sunbathers lifted it to take photographs with the animal.
They crowded around it as it squirmed and wriggled but the oblivious selfie-takerscarried on playing with it.
The rare La Plata dolphin, which can live for 20 years, was eventually killed after it became dehydrated out of the water.
Sickeningly, the crowd continued to take pictures of the poor animal as it lay dead on the sandy beach.

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